Monday, 29 August 2011

english-lyric-I Wonder As I Wander

- Album: A Holiday Celebration
- Singer: Peter Paul Mary

From the album A Holiday Celebration

I wonder, as i wander out under the sky
How jesus the saviour had come for to die
For poor orn'ry creatures like you and like i
I wonder as i wander out under the sky

When mary birthed jesus, 'twas in a cow's stall
With wisemen and shepherds and farmers and all
And high in the heavens a star's light did fall
'twas the promise of the ages, it then did recall

If jesus had wanted for any wee thing
Like a star in the sky, or a bird on the wing
Or all of god's angels in heav'n for to sing
Well, he surely could have had them, for he was their king

I wonder as i wander out under the sky
How jesus the saviour had come for to die
For poor orn'ry creatures like you and like i
I wonder as i wander, out under the sky.

Source from I Wonder As I Wander

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